Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Why break ups are so hard? Relationships once heartfelt are aborted within a fraction of second. Where people think 100 times before buying a dress from a shopping mall, don’t even think twice before calling off their affair. What is that peculiar imponderable factor which causes the fancy to burn into ashes? The victim starts to believe that all those sad love songs were actually always meant for them. The original heartbeats resonate within to produce a painful cacophony which penetrates to the deeper corners of the poor broken heart which has no further capacity to endure it and soon the eyes get flooded. No matter what is the reason behind a breakup, it is surely disastrous. Sometimes one party loses strength and the other gets strengthened or vice versa. Life has phases, some darker than the other. But the one suffering of this love failure as I would call it has nothing to do with life for that period of time. After a week or two, he/she wants to run back and drown in the bosom of his/her so called better half. Dreary, dull and boring (being out of choice), the victim tries to discover if he can bear the pain of a suicide. But everything is meant to get him back. Friends and family give away examples of those who in past had recovered from the disease called love and they suggest the same medications or at least the similar ones. But they don’t understand that LOVE might be a single category but varies in species from person to person. Everyone has his or her unique trouble regarding love and sorry to say but no similar effective medications are applicable or helpful. Breakups are meant to be faced and dealt in a unique way as per the victim choice. This article may sound practical but breakups happen when practicality prevails. Earlier when things are limited to the exchange of kisses and lovey-dovey good night messages nothing sounds or appears dangerous but as soon as the sparkle fades away, the real print comes into picture. Those who like the print lead a “happy ever after” life and those who find it ugly undergo a BREAK UP. Discovering the ugly face of your relationship is not wrong only if you do it as soon as possible. To all the broken hearts and brimming eyes- “IF YOU HAVE FINALLY BROKEN UP THEN THERE IS NOTHING LEFT TO BREAK ANY FURTHER, SO START RECOLLECTING AND STITCHING… THAT WOULD HELP”